Accurate Fashion Tips for the Professional Women

Color plays a huge role in your career image. Don’t opt for very dazzling colors like hot pink, large, wild prints. Traditional dress colors for woman, which are still the popular colors for professional women, are navy (trustworthy), red (aggressive), black (chic) and gray (conservative).

Chandelier earrings, hanging earrings, loads of bangles are strict no-no in office. They are too disturbing. Select for single bracelets or stud earrings. A fob watch, a trouble-free neck chain and maybe your wedding or engagement ring are also acceptable.

The professional woman looks so good, smart and fashionable in stilettos. But then console is the most important criteria in selecting a pair of shoes for office. If not stilettos, choose for propels of two- to three-inch heel in black, brown or navy. You can also go for flat shoes.

Style hair conventionally. It should be well combed, properly tied and preferably off the face. As a professional woman, you are not believed to provide interruption to yourself or anyone else. Small hair should be carefully styled out of the face. Select for hair colors if it outfits you but stay away from hair sprays and gels as they have burly smell.

A negligible make up is a must for the professional women. Don’t go for shady lip colors and eye shadows. A light color lipstick with kajal in your eyes is adequate to make you look good and stylish.

Handbags for the professional women should be chosen properly that harmonize with your dress that can add color and feel to the outfit. You can go for fashionable brands here. A well-designed lap top bag or a leather handbag provides a professional look.

Finally, you should stink good always. Even if you are fine dressed but you have a body odor, then your entire look and impression will be blemished. But then do not use heavily-scented perfumes. As a substitute, wear a soft deodorant so that you feel clean and smell good yourself.

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