Art of fashion: Designers

Fashion Show
Fashion design, Art of the function of plan and natural beauty to wear and garnishes. Fashion designers effort to design garments which are well-designed as well as aesthetically pleasing. Some work alone or as a part of team .Team work improves the way of design.

Fashion design is predisposed by artistic and social latitudes, and depend upon the time and place has varied. Fashion designers have a number of ways in designing clothing and accessories. The main aim of them is the satisfaction of consumers. That increase their sales and profit.

Fashion Designers have an extensive variety and combination of materials to work with and a large choice of colors, patterns and styles. Some clothes are made for some persons and other for some group like dance teams.

Now a day’s most clothing is made for mass market, mainly casual and every-day wear. Fashion Designers must judge who is liable to wear a garment and the situations in which it will be damaged. Fashion News, increase the popularity of  designers and their talents.

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